A New Standard In Food
AerOrganic™ Systems (AOS) is a cleantech firm that licenses technology and designs and builds indoor vertical farms.
In the 1990s, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States developed aeroponic systems that would grow food in space. To work in the absence of gravity, nutrient and water were emitted in fine droplets to coat the roots. On earth, aeroponic systems -- including a home system developed from the NASA technology, --use drips or fine mists to grow produce that is pure and healthy. It demonstrated numerous benefits: More Yield, Lower Cost, Higher Nutritional Density. AOS solved the problems with the NASA system, making it commercially viable.
AOS’s technology promotes food security, sovereignty, and economic independence that strives to achieve the goal of Feeding Humanity. Anywhere.
Indoor Garden
Vertical Garden

Area of 80 sq ft = 64 sq ft of Canopy

1 LEVEL: Area of 80 sq ft = sq ft of Canopy
3 LEVELS: Area of 80 sq ft = sq ft of Canopy

5 LEVELS: Area of 80 sq ft = sq ft of Canopy
Benefits of
AerOrganic™ systems include:

Consistent Nutrition
Higher nutritional density means healthier communities.
Provide secure, stable, consistent, and continuous harvests.
No Pesticides, Herbicides or Fungicides = No Spraying, No Illness
Conserving precious resources, by reducing water and nutrient use.
Preserves local soil for use in growing conventional field crops like maize, wheat, barley, and rice.
No agricultural run-off or salt based nutrients in the local soil.
No Dirt = No Transplanting, No Bugs/Pests, No Waste Stream.

Community Focused
Growing indoors provides sustainability for small and large farmers.
Strong foundation for further economic development, by providing food security to communities.
Safe, secure jobs for the community, avoid seasonal workloads.
Grow food anywhere: From Arctic habitats to barren desert, from poisoned soil, to flooded and storm-ravaged lands.

Demeter PLC (our proprietary system of programmable logic control) controls and adapts the grow parameters to maximize crop density and produce consistent crops cycle after cycle.
Plants are fed as needed, by our Demeter PLC.
Demeter PLC monitors and alerts on all elements of the grow environment.
Minimal Pruning and trellising.

Increase Yield
Nutrient-laden nano-gas and oxygen feed the unencumbered roots resulting in increased yield.
Vertical and multi-storey growth increases production compared with horizontal surface area.
One acre of conventional canopy can be grown within a 9,000 sq ft footprint stacked five storeys high.
Crops can be immediately replaced when harvested to initiate a new grow cycle.
Bigger Roots
Bigger Fruits
What does the ‘AerOrganic™ Systems vertical farm yield?
Growth on a 3200 sq. ft. horizontal area (one five storey Grow Field) per annum:
Crop | AerOrganic™ Yield (Lbs) |
Peppers | 451,000 |
Lettuce -Fenugreek | 830,000 |
Spinach | 336,000 |
Tomatoes | 627,000 |
Cucumbers | 716,000 |

How It Works

Plants are placed in an engineered vertical wall (Box). Inside the Box is the root zone, a light-tight, air-tight, independently controlled environment, where roots are suspended in air and are allowed to develop unencumbered.

Outside the Box is the leaf zone, another independently controlled environment where advanced LED lighting technology is used to grow defect free plants.

AOS’s technology applies a low pressure nano-mist to both the root zone and leaf zone at specified intervals. The nano-mist penetrates the roots and leaves providing unparalleled nutrition.

Demeter (AOS’s artificial intelligence PLC) controls every aspect of the crop cycle, from nutrition to lighting, offers remote access and provides data logging for analysis.

The engineered structures can be built up to five storeys high.
Partnership Options
Be our partner and embark on the journey of AerOrganic™.
Contact us by leaving a message HERE.