"AerOrganic™ is a new standard in pure, healthy, nutritious, food. Our technology enables and empowers people everywhere, to have an abundant, accessible, and affordable supply of fresh produce. Our team is committed to moving towards a world free of hunger: where food is a basic human right. A sustainable future for the planet is founded on food security, and food sovereignty. Please join us on the journey."
------- Satya Brata Das

Our Story
Our AerOrganic team unites us around a common cause: a world better fed.
Our vision is a world free of hunger where all people can enjoy their human right to food security.
We set out to create a farming system that would be weatherproof. Providing consistent, highly nutritious food. At the least possible cost.
At some point in our diverse career paths, most of us were involved in the fossil fuel industry. We have moved on, to apply our talents to creating a new global standard in food production.
Please learn more about who we are.
Company Directors
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Emmanuel l'Ecuyer
President and Chair of the Board of Directors

Emmanuel, born and raised in Quebec began his career at age 19 working as a coordinator for a Montreal youth shelter. There he provided training to university graduates on how to interact with homeless children within the social services. After relocating to Alberta when he was 21, he started his career with Reliance as a hydraulic and pipefitting technician. Emmanuel then became General Manager of Reliance Mechanical at age 24 and was responsible for building, for the first time in Canada, an offshore BOP system for Hydril Co. and GlobalSantaFe Corporation. After reaching a peak of personal development, Emmanuel moved on from that company to new aspirations, and became an entrepreneur.
In 2003, Emmanuel began his entrepreneurship, starting Frontier Mechanical Services. Frontier Mechanical Services designed hydraulic systems for drilling rigs in the Oil and Gas Industry, fabricating prototypes such as a road reclamation machine. Frontier Mechanical Services was also responsible for developing a full line of continuous rod equipment, from rod fusion to rod transportation trailers and service rigs for continuous rods. Frontier Mechanical Services expanded their horizons by building remote camp facilities, ranging from 200 to 4500 men. Frontier Mechanical Services most recently, with Emmanuel as the inventor, designed and developed a scalable system to extract all contaminants out of water and soil using zero chemicals and with no high heat. This system is also being used to clean dirty crude oil, which extracts all contaminants, and separates oil from sand. As a result of this achieved purity, it can be reused.
With vast knowledge and practical application of electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic technology, Emmanuel has released several incredible inventions that push the limits of the conventional mind. Emmanuel is a global entrepreneur. His world travels have taken him to many countries, which have allowed him to apply his knowledge to design and build necessary machines that will enrich the lives of the less fortunate. His most recent prototype is the advanced aeroponic mechanical garden (AerOrganicTM Systems), which is designed to bring an easily accessible, portable, self-contained, modular, food container to countries of the world where hunger is persistent, and resources are minimal.

Tracy started out working in senior housing facilities as a volunteer to help enrich the lives of the elderly, which is a passion she has had since she was young.
In 2006, Tracy began working for Frontier Mechanical Services as an office administrator. Desiring more than just administrative duties, Tracy expanded her horizons by becoming a certified ISO internal auditor, and quality control officer for Frontier Mechanical.
In 2007, Tracy became the Corporate Manager of Frontier Mechanical, and became well-versed in creating business success. Tracy possesses a great deal of knowledge about the oil sector, ranging from procurement relating to prototype inventing on a global scale, to filling equipment specs necessary for the inventions.
In 2013, Frontier created a sister company, Crow Engineering, which Tracy was also the corporate manager of. The company headed all the design and development for many different oilfield fabrication projects as well as inventions and prototypes that Frontier Mechanical would fabricate.
In 2019, Frontier Equipment Manufacturing was created to streamline the Corod product line of equipment, designed by Frontier Mechanical and Crow Engineering. Tracy ran and operated this company as the CEO and CFO. She still maintains these positions today. In addition to the many business aspects of her life, Tracy is also a mother of three children, and enjoys horseback riding with her family on the farm.
Tracy Edwards
Member of the Board of Directors

Ankita Thapar
Research Scientist

Ankita Thapar is originally from Punjab, India. From a young age she had an ambition to do something that would help people around her, in some way or the other. This drove her to pursue an agricultural career.
She did her bachelors degree in Plant Biotechnology from Punjab Agricultural University. In 2018 she moved to Canada and completed her masters degree in Plant Sciences with a major in molecular biology from the University of Manitoba. She has experience working in a molecular biology laboratory and growing a variety of plants in greenhouses under controlled environmental conditions.
Currently, she is working as a Research Scientist at Advance Harvest. She believes that the AerOrganic system is cutting edge technology that holds the potential to overcome food insecurity by feeding people anywhere and everywhere.

Dr. Layan Dawud Said
Chief Scientific Advisor
Member of the Board of Directors

Dr. Said is a Soil Physicist and International Agricultural Consultant with 50 years of education, research and practical application in authentic agricultural production technology. These technologies go beyond organic. Dr. Said has worked in various positions which include, but are not limited to, working with local, State, and Federal governments.
In the international arena, he has experience working in Africa, China, the Caribbean and in Mexico. In academia, he worked as an Associate Professor at the Dr. George Washington Carver Experimental Agricultural Station. In the private sector, he was a business owner, growing soybeans and utilizing quantum technology, which was developed in Japan. In industrial settings, he dealt with contract administration, sustainable development and environmental/ecological issues. As an integrator scientist, he has implemented authentic synergistic agricultural production systems for maximum production efficiency with minimum expenditure of energy. This system of production is beyond organic, highly productive and highly profitable.
Dr. Said’s undergraduate degree is from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Natural Resource, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. He also holds a Doctorate from the University of California, Riverside, Soil Physics and International Agriculture.