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The Most Advanced Indoor Farming Technology



Grow Walls

Vertical and multi-storey growth increases production per sq. ft.


One acre of conventional canopy can be grown within a 9,000 sq. ft footprint stacked five storeys high.

99.5% Less

Water Use


Patented emitter reduces water requirements for every stage of plant development. The low water usage makes AerOrganic™ Systems applicable in virtually any climate, world wide.


Nutrient Density







AerOrganic™ specialized emitters communicate directly with the plant to provide exact nutrient needs to the plant 24/7, producing the epitome of nutrient density.

Grow Anywhere


AerOrgnic™ systems are applicable to virtually any environment and transcend the geographical limitations of all previous farming technology. 

Grow Faster


Plants using AerOrganic™ systems see a rapid increase in growth due to a targeted nutrient delivery system to give the plant exactly what it needs for growth.

Grow Safer


No Harmful Spraying, 

No Dirt = No Transplanting,

No Bugs/Pests, No Waste Stream.

No Pesticides, Herbicides or Fungicides = No Illness.

No agricultural run-off or salt based nutrients in the local soil.

The World Now has a New Standard In Food

What is AerOrganic

Our Mission

Promote Well-Being By

Producing Nutrient Dense Food

Reduce Transportation Costs And Pollution

Grow Abundant, Consistent,

Crops, Year-round

Farm Food Anywhere

Our Mission

The Evolution Of Indoor Farming

Hover over         for more info


Aquaponic System


Aeroponic System


​Benefits of aeroponic systems include:

  • Maximum nutrient absorption for plant roots due to no growing medium

  • Abundant plant growth because plant roots are exposed to oxygen 24/7. This promotes healthy and fast-growing plants. The mist used on the roots can also be sterilized to prevent plant diseases.

  • Higher yields

  • Mobility. You can move plants around easily or even the whole nursery, by moving the plant from one station to another. 

  • Little space required. You don’t need a lot of space to be able to set up this system. Plants are stacked on shelves atop each other. With this type of modular system, you can maximize the use of limited space.


Aquaponic System


Aquaponics refers to a sustainable form of agriculture that lets you grow vegetables and fish all at the same time. Fish eat the food and excrete waste which can be a source of natural fertilizer for the growing plants and as plants consume these nutrients, they help to purify the water the fish live in. 



  • Organic Fertilizer Via Nutrient Rich Fish Feces

  • Saves Water (80-90â„… over soil gardening)

  • Can be Space Efficient

  • Two Income streams (fish & veggies)



  • Multi-discipline Maintenance knowledge required

  • High Electric cost to maintain fish tanks

  • Crops and fish can be susceptible to infection

  • Increased Risk of Unexpected Failure

  • Cannot grow root vegetables or Tuberous Plants

Benefits of AerOrganic™ systems include: 


  • Grow food anywhere. From Arctic habitats to barren desert, from poisoned soil, to flooded and storm-ravaged lands.


  • Provide secure, stable, consistent, and continuous harvests.


  • Higher nutritional density means healthier communities.


  • Growing indoors provides sustainability for small and large farmers.


  • Strong foundation for further economic development, by providing food security to communities.


  • Safe, secure jobs for the community.


  • Conserving precious resources, by reducing water and nutrient use.


  • Preserves local soil for use in growing conventional field crops like maize, wheat, barley, and rice. No agricultural run-off or salt based nutrients in the local soil.


  • Vertical and multi-storey growth increases production compared with horizontal surface area. 


  • Nutrient-laden nano-gas feeds the plants.


  • Plants are fed as needed, by our Demeter PLC.


  • Demeter PLC (our proprietary system of programmable logic control) controls and adapts the grow parameters to maximize crop density and produce consistent crops cycle after cycle.


  • Demeter PLC monitors and alerts on all elements of the grow environment.


  • No Dirt = No Transplanting, No Bugs/Pests, No Waste Stream.


  • No Pesticides, Herbicides or Fungicides = No Spraying, No Illness.


  • Minimal Pruning and trellising.


  • Crops can be immediately replaced when harvested to initiate a new grow cycle.


  • One acre of conventional canopy can be grown within a 9,000 sq ft footprint stacked five storeys high.


AerOrganic™ System


AerOrganic™ systems is the new standard in indoor farming. 


Indoor farming began with greenhouses, enabling year-round food production from plants rooted in soil. 


Then came hydroponics, with roots growing in water. Either in trays, or in tubular walls where the roots were nourished by a constant flow of water to the roots.


Then came aquaponics, where fish were added to hydroponic water: the fish excrement fertilized the plants. 


Then came aeroponics, developed more than two decades ago, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States developed a system that would grow food in space. To work in the absence of gravity, nutrient and water were emitted in fine droplets to coat the roots. On earth, aeroponic systems -- including a home system developed from the NASA technology, --use drips or fine mists to grow produce that is pure and healthy.


AerOrganic™ systems go above and beyond what aeroponics achieved, building on this important legacy technology to achieve a new frontier of food production. By growing food in walls up to five storeys high, AerOrganic™ systems are one of a kind, in maximizing crop yield, while advancing the way nutrients are delivered.


Hydroponic System

Benefits of hydroponic systems Include:

  • Growing anywhere. No need for fertile ground.

  • Nutrient water can be reclaimed. 

  • Reduces nutrient leaching into the environment. 

  • No pesticides, if you provide a sterile environment to the plant.

  • Hydroponics systems need 20% less space for growing.

  • Growing year round; season isn’t a problem.

  • Crops grow faster in hydroponic culture than in  a soil based growing medium.

  • It is a proven technology that ensures high yields.

  • Harvesting is easier. 


Limitations of hydroponic systems Include:

  • Roots can clog the tubes in a tubular system. 

  • Reclaimed nutrient water needs to be dumped after several cycles.

  • Waterborne diseases spread quickly.

  • Root rot infection of the entire crop are significant risks.

  • Bland flavors. 


Greenhouse Farming


The Greenhouse protects crops from weather.


Benefits of greenhouse systems include:

  • Increased production

  • Less production risks

  • Year-round & bumper crop yields


Limitations of greenhouse systems include: ​

  • Weight and volume of soil limits the use of space, beyond a single horizontal level.

  • Green house soils require continual maintenance and fertilizing and offer a host of problems with micro biology.

  • Limited environmental control

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